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Sea Turtle Sanctuary

Sea Turtle Conservation in the Riviera Maya

Sea Turtle Conservation in the Riviera Maya

Sea Turtle Conservation in the Riviera Maya:

Villa la Joya Playa del Carmen

The Riviera Maya sea turtle nesting season is upon us once again and the team at Villa la Joya Sea Turtle Sanctuary is ready! The location of our wedding venue on the beach of Playa Paraiso is prime nesting territory for endangered sea turtles and it is our mission to do our part in protecting these phenomenal creatures. Sea turtle conservation begins at home, Villa la Joya Playa del Carmen is an eco-friendly wedding venue in the Riviera Maya and we are extremely proud of our team’s dedication and passion for sustainability. The Villa la Joya Sea Turtle Sanctuary invites you to read on to learn about our efforts and how you can help.

Every year the Mexican Caribbean shores welcome the presence of four different species of sea turtles, which include the Loggerhead Caretta Caretta, Green or White Chelonia Mydas, Hawksbill Eretmochelys Imbricata,  and Leatherback Dermochelys Coriacea turtles. The annual Playa del Carmen sea turtle nesting season that takes place from May to October is one of the most remarkable events in the Riviera Maya. During this time, female sea turtles emerge from the ocean and come ashore to lay their eggs in the sand. The Villa la Joya Sea Turtle Sanctuary team is prepared to protect the mamas, their eggs, and the hatchlings 24/7 during the 2023 sea turtle nesting season. 

The Villa la Joya Sea Turtle Sanctuary: Patrolling the Beach Since 2011

Our conservationists and volunteers work tirelessly to safeguard the nests from predators and ensure that the eggs hatch safely. This includes day and night patrols monitoring the beach for females coming to shore. The Villa la Joya Sea Turtle Sanctuary team is specially trained to protect, track and monitor the mothers peacefully and with minimal intrusion. 

If you come upon a nesting female sea turtle in the Riviera Maya, do NOT approach, do not shine lights of any kind, stay quiet and report the sighting to one of the turtle patrols along the beach. The VLJ Sea Turtle Sanctuary team can be found along the stretch of beach known as Playa Paraiso and most hotels in the region will have people who are there to assist.

We relocate the precious eggs (as seen above) to the Villa la Joya Sea Turtle Sanctuary fenced corrals where they will be safe from harm until they hatch. We’ve built a new corral this year (below the corral in the process of being built) and are excited to have the opportunity to protect even more eggs from predators, the careless footsteps of humans, and natural weather phenomena. 

The sea turtles in the Riviera Maya are exposed to numerous threats, including habitat destruction, pollution, fishing, and poaching. In an attempt to safeguard these endangered animals, The Villa la Joya Sea Turtle Sanctuary has implemented various conservation efforts. These initiatives encompass diverse activities, ranging from monitoring and securing nesting sites to educating our community and our wedding guests about the significance of conservation. This is our passion project, our love and we’ve been working hard to protect the sea turtles since 2011.

Education is KEY: Protecting the Sea Turtles and Spreading the Message

Regrettably, some humans may inadvertently contribute to the depletion of sea turtle populations by engaging in detrimental activities such as touching, chasing, or disturbing nesting females. It is crucial for visitors to be educated on how to minimize their impact on the environment and protect these magnificent creatures.

Villa la Joya Playa del Carmen is a PLASTIC-FREE wedding venue and we actively encourage everyone around the world to adopt the same policy. Plastics in the sea are one of the biggest threats to sea turtles, even if you are not in the Riviera Maya you can do your part at home with the Three R’s of reduce, re-use and recycle. 

Sea turtles are an indispensable part of the Riviera Maya's marine ecosystem, and it is imperative to protect them to ensure the region's long-term sustainability. By partaking in responsible tourism practices and supporting conservation efforts, Villa la Joya Sea Turtle Sanctuary is passionate about playing a role in preserving these magnificent creatures for future generations to appreciate.

Would you like to help the sea turtles in the Riviera Maya? We welcome you to contact us with any questions or donations (we are driven by volunteers and donations) to the Villa la Joya Sea Turtle Sanctuary. Ask us about sponsoring a sea turtle nest, our sustainability practices for eco-friendly weddings or even coordinating a baby sea turtle release. We are ready to do our part, we hope you are too!